Saturday, November 1, 2008

liberal "tolerance"

"Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions."

Thus spake that early twentieth genius, GK Chesterton, and never has it been more true or more relevant than today.

A man of conviction will not tolerate certain acts, words and even expressed thoughts. That is, he will not sit idly by and say nothing. He may refrain from arbitrarily challenging every wicked thing he encounters, but don't ask him how he feels about something if you don't want to hear it stated plainly. And if you are possessed of the popular insanity which dictates that any disagreement with your whim is a personal attack, then prepare yourself to lose your feel good.

A man of conviction will NOT, however, discard friends, family, or even acquaintances simply because he disagrees with them, no matter how vehemently. The man of conviction will instinctively love the sinner even as he hates the sin. He will realize that his acquaintance or friend is a unique person regardless of his misinformation and will be the same person when and if he corrects his metaphysic, only better, and ultimately happier. The man of conviction would no more reassure a friend re his wrong theology than he would urge him to ignore a cancerous tumour simply because his friend feared surgery.

This is in STARK CONTRAST to the modern liberal to whom "tolerance" is a shallow mantra! My family has recently experienced the hateful wrath of two such "tolerant" erstwhile friends. Their practice of tolerance runs thus: Declare that you hate "racists", conservatives and true Christians (nominal Christianity is okay). Declare that it is wrong to discriminate against anyone based on color or creed or behavior---and discrimination means whatever *I* say it means. Declare that no one has the right to disagree with you and that, if they do, they are intolerant and must be cut off.

These people are quite capable of ending long friendships based on a word. They are vicious, self-centered and their reason for hating people with convictions is that convictions make them uncomfortable. Professing convictions will make you their hero, but actually carry through with your convictions and they will turn and rend you. Eschew them. Regardless of how close you think you are to them, they will cut you off in a heartbeat and with total dispassion if you dare to gainsay them or if you become in any way inconvenient. Find yourself a good, passionately right or wrong friend who will stick by you no matter what.


Fairy Spun Fibers said...

PRE-cisely, love. Liberals are the most INtolerant of all bigots that have ever existed. DARE to disagree with them're toast. THEY'RE the ones who sent people to the gallows (for far less than what WE believe). THEY'RE the ones who burn others at the stake (all the while claiming WE would do such a thing because they judge everyone according to their foul, false character). They have:

NO love for God's Laws,
NO tolerance for those who refuse to agree with them,
NO love for Logic,
NO love for their Neighbor (despite protests to the contrary),
NO chivalry (it's so outdated, don'tcha know)
NO character.

Instead, they rant and rave against these "sins":
1. Smoking.
2. Using 'bad' words (never mind they're breaking God's Laws!)
3. Remaining loyal to the TRUE Magisterial Teachings of the Church
4. Not agreeing with their filthy Liberal agenda
5. Sticking up for one's convictions no matter what

The_Editrix said...

Instead, they rant and rave against these "sins":
1. Smoking.
2. Using 'bad' words (never mind they're breaking God's Laws!)
3. Remaining loyal to the TRUE Magisterial Teachings of the Church
4. Not agreeing with their filthy Liberal agenda
5. Sticking up for one's convictions no matter what
6. Disciplining your dog
7. Disciplining your children
8. Hunting shooting fishing
9. Disapproving of THEIR children (mortal sin!)
10. Stating that - obviously - NOT all people are equal.

The list goes on.